Principals of the Five Element

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Five Element theory, referred to as Wu Xing, functions as a foundational framework through which medicine, human physiology, and the natural environment are understood and connected. It is why I love qigong!  It connects those areas, which for most of us is a personal zone, to the parts of ourselves we sometimes forget.  The Five Elements correspond with internal organs, tastes, emotions, and sense organs. I believe that is why people live  a long time.  It’s like floating in the ocean, the roll of the waves however large or small are sometimes welcome, sometimes a surprise. I like the idea of a track, which is what I consider this framework.  I had a suspicion that this would be a boring lifestyle but once you get into it.  It’s a rabbit hole!  

Principals of Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, this method entails utilizing exercises to harmonize energy throughout the body, mind, and spirit, aiming to enhance and sustain overall health and wellness. The majority of qigong practices originated from Daoist traditions with a focus on nurturing personal well-being. These slow and gentle movements are thought to invigorate tendons, ligaments, and muscles, as well as stimulate joint mobility and facilitate the circulation of bodily fluids such as blood, synovial fluid, and lymph. The list is amazing. 


Yin Yang Theory

In Chinese medicine, there’s a holistic perspective where every component contributes to the whole. Yin and Yang philosophy revolves around comprehending one aspect in relation to another. Every entity possesses a balance of Yin and Yang energies within it.

  • Meet the instructor

    In 2020, during the COVID shutdown I sought connection even while working online.  My life changed as did many other's.  Seeing the empty streets of San Francisco was truly a science fiction experience but being led back to the USA by my intuition just a month before shutdown, from West Africa, unaware of a pandemic, is what sticks out. I've had many other experiences in my past that felt as if I was led on an invisible path by a mysterious loving force of energy that gently said do this. Wanting to keep the good vibes going, ( Thanks Dnice) I enrolled in a  225 hour Qigong foundation course from Shifu Michael Rinaldini (Lichangdao) at the Qigong & Daoist Training Center in Sebastopol, CA. This is my journey. I am now seeking a beginner teacher certification by the National Qigong association while advancing my personal practice. When I practice Qigong, the movements bring to the foreground the awareness of my physical, mental, and spiritual state. I am able to harmonize or allow harmonization and adjust the balance of my life. The benefits and revelations that I have learned so far are worth sharing. Join me and let's move some energy together.


    If you are more interested in practicing Qigong or have questions please contact me. These exercises are slow but full of energy producing moves.

Our Approach


I understand seasons and I understand exercises and I have affinity towards the principals of Yin Yang.  Remember it was disconnection that led me to follow my intrigue after many years. When I look back, it took connection to hear that inner voice almost audibly.   In my studies, I see through these lenses, my perspective. I wish to begin my orbit. Qigong has a way of greatly enhancing lives where least expected so I honestly don’t know where I will end up but I feel confident that I will be okay exploring. …I’m still working on the intergrations.

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